Joe Klemmer klemmerj at
Tue Sep 9 15:49:46 CEST 2003

On Tue, 9 Sep 2003, Jasper Huijsmans wrote:

> > 	Just curious...  Is there any real benefit to building menu
> > compatibility into xfce4 when MenuMaker does the job just fine?  I'm not
> > criticizing the idea, just wondering if there's a need to reinvent the
> > wheel here.
> There is. Menumaker only finds the programs it knows about and puts them
> in some predefoined location. The gnome/kde menus use (should use/are
> going to use) a standard defined on Following the
> standard allows the user to edit his menu in gnome/kde/xfce and get the
> same menu everywhere.

	Yes, but I can easily see the MenuMaker author updating the code 
to handle this.  Shouldn't be all that difficult.  In fact, the idea of 
joining the MenuMaker project to the xfce4 project (or taking the MM code 
and redoing it for xfce4) might be a good thing.

Joe "Kuramarujo" Klemmer
Hoping to make Ozeki someday.

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