Jasper Huijsmans jasper at
Tue Sep 9 15:56:04 CEST 2003

Op di 09-09-2003, om 15:33 schreef Joe Klemmer:
> From: Biju Chacko <biju_chacko at>
> On Mon, 08 Sep 2003, Biju Chacko wrote:
> > > I wold like to add kde and gnome menus to the right click. Anyone done 
> > > that?
> >
> > I have that on my TODO list for 4.2
> 	Just curious...  Is there any real benefit to building menu
> compatibility into xfce4 when MenuMaker does the job just fine?  I'm not
> criticizing the idea, just wondering if there's a need to reinvent the
> wheel here.

There is. Menumaker only finds the programs it knows about and puts them
in some predefoined location. The gnome/kde menus use (should use/are
going to use) a standard defined on Following the
standard allows the user to edit his menu in gnome/kde/xfce and get the
same menu everywhere.


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