Jasper Huijsmans jasper at
Tue Sep 9 16:47:35 CEST 2003

Op di 09-09-2003, om 15:49 schreef Joe Klemmer:
> On Tue, 9 Sep 2003, Jasper Huijsmans wrote:
> > > 	Just curious...  Is there any real benefit to building menu
> > > compatibility into xfce4 when MenuMaker does the job just fine?  I'm not
> > > criticizing the idea, just wondering if there's a need to reinvent the
> > > wheel here.
> > 
> > There is. Menumaker only finds the programs it knows about and puts them
> > in some predefoined location. The gnome/kde menus use (should use/are
> > going to use) a standard defined on Following the
> > standard allows the user to edit his menu in gnome/kde/xfce and get the
> > same menu everywhere.
> 	Yes, but I can easily see the MenuMaker author updating the code 
> to handle this.  Shouldn't be all that difficult.  In fact, the idea of 
> joining the MenuMaker project to the xfce4 project (or taking the MM code 
> and redoing it for xfce4) might be a good thing.

Of course I'm all for (re)using other people's work if such a thing
would be available ;-) 

Mind you, it would be quite a radical change in the philosophy of
menumaker to use metadata installed on the system, instead of using its
own database of known binaries, so I wonder if it will happen.

And then there is the extra python dependency. I'm not sure we're ready
for that ;-)


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