XFCE doesn't have a usable graphical login!

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at moongroup.com
Thu Nov 27 22:31:28 CET 2003

Op do 27-11-2003, om 18:32 schreef Otto Wyss:
> >From what I've gathered so far it isn't possible to use XFCE with a
> graphical login. 

Starting your mail like this, is almost guaranteed to get you some less
than friendly replies. You may have noticed ;-)

> 1. XDM doesn't allow to shutdown (BTW it looks rather unsupported).

I'm sure you can find a way to put 'sudo /sbin/halt' in a script that
gets run after you exit xfce.

> 2. login.app isn't able to start my otherwise fully running X (with startx)

A configuration issue, I'm sure.

> 3. GDM requires a rather large part of gnome.

If you will run any gnome applications, this may not be that much of a

> 4. KDM ditto

KDM doesn't require gnome ;-)

> 5. WDM haven't checked but I don't expect any better
> As a fact if anyone wants to build a fully graphical solution XFCE can't
> be used. The unplesant choice are either to use the console for
> startx/shutdown or to throw out XFCE and install gnome.

According to this logic xfce can't be used anyway: no email, no word
processor, no bookkeeping application, no photoshop, no ...

You will be using applications on this computer, won't you?

> Since I pressed to get a solution within a week I need a hack which
> shutdowns the system instead of closing X. If nobody can provide such a
> hack I have to switch to gome, sorry.

Ooh, a threat ;-) Xfce is small. We don't provide every functionality in
the world. Sorry.

> O. Wyss


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