Shut down system when logged out

Mark Welker welker at
Sun Mar 9 23:47:43 CET 2003


Change the run level to 4 for Slackware 8.1
It is 4 for slack even if it is not for other distros.

Install xfce
./configure --enable-gdm
make install

As the user

You should now have a graphical logon and logoff and shutdown.

On Sun, 9 Mar 2003, Rich Shepard wrote:

>   For use of a portable by a complete non-geek, is there a way to issue the
> 'shutdown -h now' command upon log out by a user?
>   The "new" machine I bought (an older IBM ThinkPad 600E) currently has a
> copy of Libranet/Debian on it, and the gdm main window has a button that
> brings up a radio-button dialog box to reboot or shutdown the system. Nice.
> No need to su to root.
>   For various reasons (among them lack of root access even when root's
> shadow password string is deleted and because I don't need another
> distribution here as I migrate from Red Hat to Slackware), I'm going to
> re-do the entire system with Slackware-8.1 and Xfce-3.8.18.
>   I would like to set it up so when the primary user (my fiancee) exits the
> X Window System the system shuts down. So it will boot into a GUI login
> screen and shut down when she's done working. How do I do the latter? I
> presume that any desktop manager (xgm, gdm, ?) can be put in her
> ~/.bash_profile to resolve the first part.
> Thanks,
> Rich
> Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
>                        Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
>             2404 SW 22nd Street | Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 | U.S.A.
>  + 1 503-667-4517 (voice) | + 1 503-667-8863 (fax) | rshepard at
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Mark Welker
welker at

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