xfce4 panel

Biju Chacko botsie at myrealbox.com
Mon Jan 27 14:11:16 CET 2003

On Mon, 27 Jan 2003 05:35:28 -0700, Collins Richey wrote:

> Biju Chacko <botsie at myrealbox.com> wrote:
> > On Sun, 26 Jan 2003 19:23:41 -0700, Collins Richey wrote:
> > > 2. Is it possible to link to the desktop quit function from the
> > > panel quit button?
> > 
> > This will happen once we have a working session manager. I haven't
> > had any success with either xsm or gnome-session, so this may take a
> > while.
> >
> I (and perhaps others) would have tremendous objection to the use of
> gnome session (except perhaps as a conceptual model).  One of the
> storngest points about xfce is that it is lightweight, i.e. you don't
> need to drag in all of the bloat associated with gnome or kde/qt in
> order to have a functional window manager.  What was wrong with the
> xfce3 window manager, and why can't it be upgraded for xfce4?

This has nothing to do with Gnome or KDE. This is just part of XFce4's
stated goal of being more standards compliant. XFce4 is already
compliant with the X Session Management Protocol. That is, all the
various apps are all libSM clients. We don't have a server (a session
manager) yet. Currently the only session managers that I know of are xsm
and gnome-session. Read:


for more details. I've tested session management with xsm and
gnome-session as session managers and haven't had any success.

What does all of this have to do with your original question? Well,
eventually all the app will interact with your session using xsmp. You
will then be able to end your X session with *any* app that offers an
'exit', logout or quit option and uses xsmp to achieve it.

So don't worry, we are not trying to introduce GNOME or KDEs bloat!

> > > 3. Related to 2, is it possible to link to the desktop menu from a
> > > button on the panel?  I have an 800x600 display with every byte
> > > used, so it's difficult to find a blank area exposing the desktop
> > > to middle button click to get to the menu.
> > 
> > This is on my TODO list. But don't hold your breath. BTW, you really
> > shouldn't be using xfdeskmenu anymore.
> > 
> And what should we be using?  Please explain.

The new application for all desktop related functionality is XFDesktop.
It manages the background image, popup menus and margins. it replaces
both XFDeskmenu and xfbd4. 

Unfortunately, it's popup menus are not very configurable ... which is
mostly my fault. :-(

Ummmm ... does anybody know if Xfdeskmenu and XFDesktop play well with
each other?

-- b

Biju 'botsie' Chacko                        biju_chacko at vsnl dot net
http://www.symonds.net/~botsie          Public Key available on request

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