Segmentation fault - need guidance

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at
Sun Jan 26 22:32:26 CET 2003


Such errors can be caused by either the compiler or a memory fault on
the system.

It's hard to tell. If the problems occurs always at the same place, then
it could be a compiler problem (I dunno what version Mdk 9.0 ships)
otherwise, if that happens randomly, it could be very well a memory
problem (that happened to me at least twice)


On Sun, 2003-01-26 at 21:51, Enlight wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have been running xfce3 for about a year on one of my lighter
> machines.  It has been great to use.  I recently upgraded linux to
> Mandrake 9.0 just to get all updated.  I downloaded the latest 3.8.18
> and ran ./configure fine.  I have done this before without any
> problems.
> Now when I run make I get an error message on a segmentation fault
> right toward the end of the make.
> I thought this would be painless after I could not get xfce4 going. 
> (I have no pc files for pkg-config).
> Can you make some suggestions on how to report the segmentation fault.
> I suspect I am having problems with the Mandrake distibution, but
> other builds work, so I don't know.  I was able to build xfce3 fine on
> my bigger machine.  The lighter machine is 166 mHz i586 with 64mb. 
> Bigger machine is 333 mHz i686 with 160mb.  Both are running the
> Mandrake 9.0 distribution.
> I like xfce, lean and to the point.  Any suggestions would be
> appreciated.
> Jerry DeLisle (enlight)
Olivier Fourdan <fourdan at>

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