
Net Llama! netllama at linux-sxs.org
Sat Jan 18 03:53:30 CET 2003

On 01/17/03 18:39, Joe Klemmer wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 18:14, Collins wrote:
>> > 	Can we try and trim excess lines when replying?  It would make 
>> > things easier to read.
>> > 
>> > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
>> > Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
>> > Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org
>> > 
>> > VAOewQr5sfZcpMirANOfcPc=
>> > =77IU
>> > -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
>> And this!  I for one don't care whether the message is from the real Joe
>> Klemmer or an impostor, but I get to read the gnupg trash on every
>> posting.
> 	Man, don't start with me.  You are trying to compare 9 lines to
> messages with well over 50 lines.  And since most people read email with
> something other than mailx, the gpg signature is virtually invisible. 

virtually invisible?  well, now that you turned it off, sure.

L. Friedman                       	       netllama at linux-sxs.org
Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo: 		    http://netllama.ipfox.com

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