questions and suggestions

Martin Bretschneider mailing-lists-mmiv at
Tue Dec 23 22:04:32 CET 2003

Francois Le Clainche <fleclainche at> wrote:

Hi Francois,

> > 4. file manager
> > -a kind of file type database. I do want to run xpdf to view pdfs
> > but gv is invoked. If I enter xpdf in the toolbar manually it won't
> > be remembered and is not displayed in the context menu the next
> > time.
> Select the "Remember" option before pressing the Ok button and the app
> will be saved.

My fault:( It is quite intuitive.
> > 5. misc
> > -shortcuts for running apps that can be configured (e.g. <meta>+F1
> > starts mua, <meta>+F2 starts browser ...)

Hm, I have copied /usr/share/xfwm4/themes/default.keys/keythemerc to
~/.themes/xfwm4/custom.keys/custom.keys and edit it a bit:


But nothing happens. The links in ~/Desktop/Autostart/ are not executed
at startup as well. Is this caused by the fact that I start xfce unsing

> > - OO.o does not recognize the gtk2 theme and thus does not adjust
> > the widget color and the font. I guess that OO.o expects
> > gnome-session or so.
> I personnally use an executable file placed in ~/Desktop/Autostart
> which contains the following two lines (thx to Jasper):
> #!/bin/sh
> xprop -root -format GNOME_SM_PROXY 8i -set GNOME_SM_PROXY 1
> then OOo starts using the current Gtk2 theme.

But that does not show the font of the selected gtk2-theme, does it?

> > What do you think about it?
> > 
> > Kind regards from snowy (a little bit though;) Germany

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