UnixReview.com: Tool of the Month: Powertweak Linux and XFce Desktop Environment

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at xfce.org
Sun Dec 7 00:29:56 CET 2003

Hey Art,

It's been a while... :) Glad to see you there with some good news.

Take care,

On Sat, 2003-12-06 at 23:04, Art Wildman wrote:
> Tool of the Month: Powertweak Linux and XFce Desktop Environment
> by Joe "Zonker" Brockmeier
> http://click.unixreview.email-publisher.com/maabF0jaa2fPOa2saOJb/
> This month, Zonker covers two programs -- the first is a program called
> Powertweak Linux, which allows the user to tweak system settings and view
> information system information. The second program is the XFce Desktop
> Environment.
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: UnixReview.com EXTRA! Vol. 4, Issue 46
> Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 14:19:20 -0800
> From: Unix Review News <urnews at unixreview.email-publisher.com>
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> November 18, 2003           Volume 4, Issue 46
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> Easily Overcoming UNIX-Windows Interoperability
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> THIS WEEK on UnixReview.com
> The Open Road: Filesystem Hierarchy Standard 2.3
> by Joe "Zonker" Brockmeier
> http://click.unixreview.email-publisher.com/maabF0jaa2fPMa2saOJb/
> Zonker discusses what's in store in the new Filesystem Hierarchy
> Standard (FHS) 2.3, which is in the final stages of approval.
> Book Review: Mastering Shell Scripting
> by Ed Schaefer
> http://click.unixreview.email-publisher.com/maabF0jaa2fPNa2saOJb/
> Ed reviews Mastering Shell Scripting, a book in which Randal K. Michael
> shares his 10 years of varied systems administration and shell scripting
> experience solving real world problems.
> Tool of the Month: Powertweak Linux and XFce Desktop Environment
> by Joe "Zonker" Brockmeier
> http://click.unixreview.email-publisher.com/maabF0jaa2fPOa2saOJb/
> This month, Zonker covers two programs -- the first is a program called
> Powertweak Linux, which allows the user to tweak system settings and view
> information system information. The second program is the XFce Desktop
> Environment.
> **********************************************************************
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Olivier Fourdan - fourdan at xfce.org
   Interoperability is the keyword, uniformity is a dead end. 

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