UnixReview.com: Tool of the Month: Powertweak Linux and XFce Desktop Environment

Art Wildman wildman at pobox.com
Sat Dec 6 23:04:57 CET 2003

Tool of the Month: Powertweak Linux and XFce Desktop Environment

by Joe "Zonker" Brockmeier
This month, Zonker covers two programs -- the first is a program called
Powertweak Linux, which allows the user to tweak system settings and view
information system information. The second program is the XFce Desktop

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: UnixReview.com EXTRA! Vol. 4, Issue 46
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 14:19:20 -0800
From: Unix Review News <urnews at unixreview.email-publisher.com>

November 18, 2003           Volume 4, Issue 46
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THIS WEEK on UnixReview.com

The Open Road: Filesystem Hierarchy Standard 2.3
by Joe "Zonker" Brockmeier
Zonker discusses what's in store in the new Filesystem Hierarchy
Standard (FHS) 2.3, which is in the final stages of approval.

Book Review: Mastering Shell Scripting
by Ed Schaefer
Ed reviews Mastering Shell Scripting, a book in which Randal K. Michael
shares his 10 years of varied systems administration and shell scripting
experience solving real world problems.

Tool of the Month: Powertweak Linux and XFce Desktop Environment
by Joe "Zonker" Brockmeier
This month, Zonker covers two programs -- the first is a program called
Powertweak Linux, which allows the user to tweak system settings and view
information system information. The second program is the XFce Desktop

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