rc3 debs

Ken Moffat kmoffat at drizzle.com
Thu Aug 28 06:26:52 CEST 2003

I am using libranet linux, a debian offshoot.

I downloaded and used 'checkinstall' to build debs of the xfce4 rc3 
source. I had the xfce4 debs installed that were numbered 4.0. I 
installed over those, using --force-overwrite, since the numbering of 
these debs was lower, forcing a downgrade. This seems to have worked 
fine, and it functions. I believe the debs labeled 4.0 were actually 
rc2. Am i right on that?

These debs were configured using --prefix=/usr/bin, which is where the 
other debs were installed. I think this is the debian default.

If anyone is interested in trying them, I could post them on a rather 
slow server.

I'm in the process of testing, but thought I'd post this to see if I'm 
off base on the numbering. Were the formerly posted xfce4 debs rc2?


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