XFCE 4 updated in Debian package, latest version looks nice!

Ken Moffat kmoffat at drizzle.com
Wed Aug 20 07:16:35 CEST 2003

Brian Masinick wrote:

> A guy at ExtremeTech wrote to me and told me that he found a new link 
> in the Libranet forum that points to Martin's area, but adds 'new" on 
> the end of the path.  Here's what I put in /etc/apt/sources.list:
> # Unstable version of XFCE4
> deb http://people.debian.org/~madkiss/xfce4/new ./
> deb-src http://people.debian.org/~madkiss/xfce4/new ./
> When I did that, instead of seeing the CVS 0421 versions of stuff that 
> I'd seen before, I saw XFCE 4.0.0-1 final on lots of libraries and 
> XFCE packages, so I installed all of them, and it worked beautifully.

I'll try it right now. Thanks.


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