Request for Feature Requests [Was Re: [PLUG] Red Hat version 8.0 due out Monday (9/30) (fwd)]

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at
Sat Sep 28 09:38:53 CEST 2002

On Sat, 28 Sep 2002 09:08:26 +0530
Biju Chacko <botsie at> wrote:


> I have a dirty little confession to make ... I don't use XFDeskMenu
> much except to occasionally change xfwm4 themes. It does pretty much
> what I want it to do, so I have a little difficulty working up the
> energy to polish it further.
> To get to the point: I would like those of you who *are* regular users
> of XFDeskMenu to point out it's deficiencies. This would include:
> 	- Feature Requests
> 	- Bug Reports
> 	- Things that don't qualify as bugs, but nevertheless irritate
> 	the heck
> out of you.

My confession would be that I use xfdeskmenu as X session controlling
app and not xfce4, which is in a constant state of flux at the moment.
This way I can easily close and start the panel after every update.

Some things that I can think of, not bugs and most of them probably more
suitable for the xfce4-dev list:
- Get rid of the gtk1 part (it's not very useful, since xfce3 has its 
  own root menu).
- Gnome2 menu system works a bit different then gnome1 I think. It
  would  be nice to have that available as well.
- Graphical configuration.
- perhaps using freedesktop hints instead of gnome hints.

It works nicely as it is now though, so don't be in a hurry to go
changing things.


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