restarting galeon window offscreen

Glenn Johnson glennpj at
Sun Nov 17 15:54:04 CET 2002

On Sat, Nov 16, 2002 at 11:58:06PM -0700, Collins wrote:

> Also, do you know anyway to cause a remote request to attach itself to
> a new tab in the running instance, as does Skipstone?

galeon -n URL

Try galeon --help for a list of command line options.

> > > Galeon has the aformentioned problem and it has the #@!% blemish
> > > of prompting you each time you restart instead of just quietly
> > > restarting.
> >
> >
> > I actually like this -- if I was doing something important with
> > several different tabs, I can recover it, but if I killed Galeon on
> > purpose and just want Google now, I can easily get there.
> Tastes vary.  I would prefer a way to dispense with the prompt.

galeon --disable-crash-recovery

This may depend on the version of galeon you have.

> > > All three have excellent tab functions, but Skipstone has the plus
> > > feature of automatically opening a new tab in the running instance
> > > when you double click on a uri (in email, for example).

You can set a preference to have a middle mouse button click open a link
in a new tab.

> This is getting far afield from xfce, so if anyone complains, we could
> take this off list.

For what it is worth, here is how I start up galeon in xfce.

I have the following script in ~/Desktop/Autostart (make sure the
executable bit is set):


# Start the galeon server process
if [ -x /usr/X11R6/bin/galeon ]; then
	# kill any existing processes
	killall galeon-bin 2>/dev/null
	# Now start a new one
	galeon --server --server-timeout=0 \
	--disable-crash-recovery 2>/dev/null &

Having galeon run in server mode makes the the opening of URLs a bit
faster.  If galeon hangs or crashes (happens sometimes) I run this
script from the command line to get things back up.  You do have to
allow a few seconds for the galeon server process to start.

Hope that helps.

Glenn Johnson
glennpj at

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