restarting galeon window offscreen

Collins erichey2 at
Sun Nov 17 07:58:06 CET 2002

On 16 Nov 2002 19:54:57 -0800 Jack Coates <jack at>
> On Sat, 2002-11-16 at 11:05, Collins wrote:
> <snip>
> > I'm not really convinced that xfwm is the problem; it's more
> > likely to be something in galeon.
> > 
> > I'll probably revert to Skipstone again at some point.  
> > 
> > Mozilla is not usable (IMO) because it requires a separate profile
> > for each instance (you get a prompt to create a new profile any
> > time you start a new instance, which is a bummer).
> > 
> whuh? Never seen that on Windows or Linux -- can you describe what
> you mean?

I'll be damned!  Maybe it's stopped doing that in 1.0.1.  I've gotten
that on everything prior and also on Phoenix, the browser only
variant.  I mean just exactly that - a prompt to specify a new profile
when opening a new instance.

Also, do you know anyway to cause a remote request to attach itself to
a new tab in the running instance, as does Skipstone?

> > Galeon has the aformentioned problem and it has the #@!% blemish
> > of prompting you each time you restart instead of just quietly
> > restarting.  
> > 
> I actually like this -- if I was doing something important with
> several different tabs, I can recover it, but if I killed Galeon on
> purpose and just want Google now, I can easily get there.

Tastes vary.  I would prefer a way to dispense with the prompt.

> > All three have excellent tab functions, but Skipstone has the plus
> > feature of automatically opening a new tab in the running instance
> > when you double click on a uri (in email, for example).
> > 
> My Galeon set up does this -- there's a couple of ways to skin the
> cat, either a command line switch in the MUA or as a Galeon setting
> that opens all new stuff in tabs instead of windows (that's a little
> annoying with javascript popups of little pictures and forms,
> though).

Tell me more about skinning the cat.  I haven't found any
documentation to RTFM thus far.

This is getting far afield from xfce, so if anyone complains, we could
take this off list.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
Redhat 7.3 system

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