Observation: still no taskbar

Collins erichey2 at attbi.com
Fri May 17 12:54:39 CEST 2002

On Thu, 16 May 2002 21:36:53 -0700 (PDT) Rich Shepard
<rshepard at appl-ecosys.com> wrote:
>   I checked the spec and "--enable-taskbar" is there. I also added
> "--enable-oldstyle" then rebuilt the packages. Forced the upgrade
> (to the same version number) and there's still no little bar along
> the panel bottom that expands into a taskbar.
>   If I'm doing something wrong here, I don't see it now.
>   Well, perhaps in the next upgrade I'll be able to make it work.
> Thanks all,

Just a thought.  Are you shure you waited long enough.  The taskbar
does open up until all desktops are up and running.  That takes a
while on my setup.  I have half of my mail loaded before the taskbar
will open.  Also its responds best to the microscopic tic at the
bottom left.

Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
gentoo(since 01/01/01) 2.4.19+(ext3) xfce-sylpheed-mozilla

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