Who wants a taskbar in xfce ? Well, it's in the CVS !

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at xfce.org
Wed May 15 16:44:18 CEST 2002


> Granted the po stuff hasn't been handled properly.  You need to work
> on this a little more before it's ready.

There is nothing I can do about this, this is an issue between your
config and autoconf/automake tools.

As I said in my mail, you should use ./autogen.sh in place of
./configure, which in other words means that you can use the same
options as ./configure since the configure script is called within

Olivier               <fourdan at xfce.org>            http://www.xfce.org
XFce is a lightweight  desktop  environment  for  various *NIX systems.
Designed for productivity,  it loads  and  executes  applications fast,
while conserving  system resources. XFce is all free software, released
under GNU General Public License.    Available from http://www.xfce.org

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