how to change left mouse button popup-menue

Ekkard Gerlach ekkardgerlach at
Mon Jul 29 00:46:54 CEST 2002

* Uli Wachowitz schrieb:

> Hi Ekkard,
>  I am not sure if this is what you want. Have a look.

Yes ! That it. 
Now I'd like to preserve some functions of the old root-menu
   * restart xfce, quit xfce 
   * Lauch Program (I have a telephone-number CD that can
         be launched only this way, not by a X-terminal (I dont 
         know why))
   * Settings + submenu
Where can I find how this is programmed in root_menu ?

Another solution maybe that my items appear additionally to 
the default root_menu. But my menu-functions have to 
appear first, not after the default menu items.
I already disabled line "DestroyMenu __b...." but then my
own items appear at the *end* and not the top of the list. 

any ideas ?


> I simply disabled the "builtin_root_menu" and replaced it with my own.
> That way I have access to MY menu at the first klick. Sipmly start your
> "xfwm.user_menu" with those lines:
> ----------------
> DestroyMenu __builtin_root_menu__
> AddToMenu "__builtin_root_menu__"   "** Main **" Title
>   + "Terminal"             Exec rxvt
>   + ""			   Nop
>   + "Control"              PopUp "control"
>   + "Networking"           PopUp "networking"
>   + "Office"               PopUp "office"
>   + "Work"                 PopUp "work"
>   + "Multimedia"           PopUp "multimedia"
>   + "Grafik"               PopUp "grafik"
>   + "PGP"                  PopUp "pgp"
>   + "Games"                PopUp "games"
>   + ""                     Nop
>   + "Notizen"              Exec yank
>   + ""                     Nop
>   + "nedit"                Exec nedit
>   + "worker"               Exec worker
>   + ""                     Nop

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