Options for smbmount in SMBXFCE (Was: Re[2]: App killed when using the mouse roll? + questions)

edscott wilson garcia edscott at imp.mx
Wed Jul 10 21:00:44 CEST 2002

El mié, 10-07-2002 a las 13:13, MaT escribió:

> Problem witch czech character is a bit more complicated. :-) There are
> plenty of encodings...

As long as were not dealing with utf-8, we only have to worry about the
128 ascii codes defined by the eight bit.

> BTW, I can look for the codetables of all czech encodings somewhere,
> but I think it is in same way already present in the system... Maybe
> something like "cp852.nls" and "iso8859-2.nls"...

I'm attaching a small file which has the ascii correspondence for
latin-1 and text-DOS. If you have access to a box with MS-Word with
latin-2 encoding, then open the attached file as text and then do a
"save as" and specify "text-DOS". This will change all the characters
in the C comments to the corresponding "text-DOS". Mail it back to me
and xfsamba browsing for latin-2 will work if the windows latin-2 and
iso-latin-2 are the same. If there not the same... well let's cross that
bridge when we get there.


-------------- next part --------------
{0xc0, 0xb7}, /* À */
{0xc1, 0xb5}, /* Á */
{0xc2, 0xb6}, /* Â */
{0xc3, 0xc7}, /* Ã */
{0xc4, 0x8e}, /* Ä */
{0xc5, 0x8f}, /* Å */
{0xc6, 0x92}, /* Æ */
{0xc7, 0x80}, /* Ç */
{0xc8, 0xd4}, /* È */
{0xc9, 0x90}, /* É */
{0xca, 0xd2}, /* Ê */
{0xcb, 0xd3}, /* Ë */
{0xcc, 0xde}, /* Ì */
{0xcd, 0xd6}, /* Í */
{0xce, 0xd7}, /* Î */
{0xcf, 0xd8}, /* Ï */
{0xd0, 0xd1}, /* Ð */
{0xd1, 0xa5}, /* Ñ */
{0xd2, 0xe3}, /* Ò */
{0xd3, 0xe0}, /* Ó */
{0xd4, 0xe2}, /* Ô */
{0xd5, 0xe5}, /* Õ */
{0xd6, 0x99}, /* Ö */
{0xd7, 0x9e}, /* × */
{0xd8, 0x9d}, /* Ø */
{0xd9, 0xeb}, /* Ù */
{0xda, 0xe9}, /* Ú */
{0xdb, 0xea}, /* Û */
{0xdc, 0x9a}, /* Ü */
{0xdd, 0xed}, /* Ý */
{0xde, 0xe8}, /* Þ */
{0xdf, 0xe1}, /* ß */
{0xe0, 0x85}, /* à */
{0xe1, 0xa0}, /* á */
{0xe2, 0x83}, /* â */
{0xe3, 0xc6}, /* ã */
{0xe4, 0x84}, /* ä */
{0xe5, 0x86}, /* å */
{0xe6, 0x91}, /* æ */
{0xe7, 0x87}, /* ç */
{0xe8, 0x8a}, /* è */
{0xe9, 0x82}, /* é */
{0xea, 0x88}, /* ê */
{0xeb, 0x89}, /* ë */
{0xec, 0x8d}, /* ì */
{0xed, 0xa1}, /* í */
{0xee, 0x8c}, /* î */
{0xef, 0x8b}, /* ï */
{0xf0, 0xd0}, /* ð */
{0xf1, 0xa4}, /* ñ */
{0xf2, 0x95}, /* ò */
{0xf3, 0xa2}, /* ó */
{0xf4, 0x93}, /* ô */
{0xf5, 0xe4}, /* õ */
{0xf6, 0x94}, /* ö */
{0xf7, 0xf6}, /* ÷ */
{0xf8, 0x9b}, /* ø */
{0xf9, 0x97}, /* ù */
{0xfa, 0xa3}, /* ú */
{0xfb, 0x96}, /* û */
{0xfc, 0x81}, /* ü */
{0xfd, 0xec}, /* ý */
{0xfe, 0xe7}, /* þ */

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