App killed when using the mouse roll? + questions
Alexandre Aractingi
aaractingi at
Mon Jul 8 11:27:45 CEST 2002
Le dim 07/07/2002 à 16:57, edscott wilson garcia a écrit :
Sorry for the late response, I'm been quite swamped with work. But
better late than never.
Well, I had not actually tested the locale idea. Your feed back is very
valuable and I will implement the accentuated names bug workaround for
filenames and directories. So far the accentuated characters I am
considering are: áéíóúÁÉÍÓÚüñÑ. But these are only for spanish. I'm sure
there are more in french and other european languages, so if you send me
the ones you know I'll be sure to put them in.
I am also using ê â û î ù è à ô ç ü ï ë in French... don't know about
other languages though...
(BTW can you display these characters ok?)
Yes, but for that you cannot use smbclient, which is what xfsamba uses.
For that you should use smbmount. So the best way is to use xfsamba to
mount the share, as this will open an xftree window, and use xftree to
stream is to xine. It will even allow you to look into .tar.gz files.
Ok, I'll do that from now on... the tgz thing is great :)
By the way, regarding file associations, where can I choose the program
assiciated with each extension?
? I don't know this acronym, sorry...
You are mentionning drag and drop instead of Ctl+C / V, but drag an drop
does not work (for multiple files) either (or is it my version of XFtree
/ XFSamba? / 0.44)
I've been giving this one some thought. The thing I don't want to do is
to leave an non-encrypted password around somewhere in some
configuration file, since this would be a "bad thing". If you are not
worried with security, a temporary fixe you can apply is edit the files
where you find the string "GUEST%" and replace it with your choice in
the format user%password
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