do the samba

Mattias Thuresson mattias.thuresson at
Mon Jul 1 22:57:43 CEST 2002

>In the meantima you can just use use xfsamba
>for the mounting, and do the double clicking with xftree. That way would
>be more efficient since it does not require creating a temporary file
>for download.

I don't quite understand where to doubleclick. Xftree will only show the 
files on "my" computer, not on other computers on the network, right? 
Or can I see the network files somewhere in a subfolder, as
symbolic links for example? That's great, if it is true.

>Seashells can teach you much about programming

Another thing is that an animal that is a lean, mean
eating machine will survive the longest. Clunky bloated
programs will go under in the end.


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