Problems with keys and windows

mazzanti mazzanti at
Mon Dec 16 08:10:55 CET 2002

Still interested in rthe Alt+Tab switching windows method...
Nobady here has *ever* tried/wanted it???? I'm amazed XFCE works THAT 
different from other window managers and nobody says anything?
Or is it me that has something wrong in the configuration?
I may abandon XFCE and go back to WindowMaker if I can't solve the 
problem, 'cause I use to work with many windows opened at the same time 
and I find it annoying to switch windows with the mouse everytime...


Ferran Mazzanti                           e-mail: mazzanti at
Departament d'Electronica                       Pg. Bonanova 8, E-08022
Enginyeria La Salle                                   Barcelona (Spain)
Universitat Ramon Llull        Phone/Fax: 34-3-290.24.24/34-3-290.24.16

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