[Xfce-i18n] Documentation Wiki Online

Christoph Wickert christoph.wickert at googlemail.com
Tue Jan 10 01:50:17 CET 2012

Am Montag, den 09.01.2012, 10:19 +0100 schrieb Nick Schermer:
> Hi,
> As some of you have noticed the documentation wiki is online
> (docs.xfce.rog) and we've started to add the first pages and connect
> the help buttons to the correct page in the wiki (function for that
> has been added in the libxfce4ui 4.9.0 release).
> I've removed all the *-doc from translations.xfce.org and if the
> manual moved to the wiki I've removed the docbook manual + images from
> master too.

I find this rather confusing. AFAICS you removed the resources from
transifex before you made this announcement. As a result, people are
confused and afraid their recent work was lost. We had four new
translators in the German team and we have worked quite a bit on the
documentation in the last two weeks and now these efforts seem useless.

I know the files still exist in git, but I wonder if we could at least
move them to the 4.8 branch.

The wiki raises even more questions:
     1. What about offline documentation? Your initial announcement only
        was about API docs, but user docs should really be installed
        locally I think.
     2. How do we manage users in the wiki? I usually only approve
        people for the German translators team after they have confirmed
        they read various resources and subscribed to the relevant
        mailing list. With the wiki I no longer have control over the
     3. What should the workflow for submitting and reviewing
        translations look like? We have strings that undergo 3 or 4
        reviews until all people are happy. How would you do this in the
        wiki where every random person can edit any file?
     4. We have translators who want to work offline with their favorite
        tools such as poedit or vim. How can they do this in the wiki?
     5. How do we handle translator credits?

I appreciate your intention to have better docs, but to me it looks like
this idea was not thought trough and needed more discussion.


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