[Xfce-i18n] Dutch translation of Thunar

Vincent imnotb at gmail.com
Sat Jun 16 13:06:05 CEST 2007

On 16/06/07, Maximilian Schleiss <maximilian at xfce.org> wrote:
> On ven, 2007-06-15 at 22:18 +0200, Vincent wrote:
> > ... I found a few errors with keyboard shortcuts.
> I found some fuzzy lines, do you use poedit to translate this file? If
> not, please do so.

Yes, I use poedit. It might be that I do not quite understand the purpose of
fuzzy lines - I marked everything of which I wasn't sure if it was an
appropriate translation "fuzzy".

May I also ask you to give the branched version of Xfce 4.4 a finish
> touch before continuing with trunk. To do so, have a good read at this
> mail I sent[1].

If I run checkout-xfce_4_4-po.sh I get no packages for Thunar.

This should get you up and running, would you have any questions, feel
> free to post them here. I noted that the dutch translation of the
> libxfce4util package is missing some strings, take a look at the
> gnu.org[2] website and you'll find translated licences in many
> languages.

I see, I'll take a look at that and perhaps some more packages too.

>  Here's yet another updated version.
> As I replied earlier, this will be committed within th enext couple of
> hours.

OK, thanks.

> > Vincent
> Best regards,
> Max.
> [1] http://foo-projects.org/pipermail/xfce-i18n/2007-June/005911.html
> [2] http://www.gnu.org/licenses/translations.html

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