[Xfce-i18n] Xfce 4.4 translations priority for all languages

Mişu Moldovan dumol at gnome.ro
Tue Feb 6 18:53:25 CET 2007

În data de 06 Feb 2007 la 12:52:24 +0100 Maximilian Schleiss a scris:
> To find out what your language is up to, you can search for it in the 
> branches 4.4 section of the statistics page  
> http://i18n.xfce.org/stats/index.php?mode=2#br-xfce_4_4. This section 
> does not include libexo, terminal and thunar, for these you will
> still, for the moment, have to translate in trunk.

Hi Max,

I'm willing to complete the Romanian translation for the core packages.
However, before submitting new po's and updates to the existing ones, I
would like to raise a few issues:

 * the stats for the Romanian[1] localization of Xfce 4.4 only show
the completed packages, I had to compare with stats for Catalan to see
what's incomplete or missing
 * I couldn't find the "xfce4-eyes-plugin" package listed in the stats
for the trunk[2] in the web interface at http://svn.xfce.org 

 * do you have a release date for Xfce 4.4.1? And in addition to
telling us the release date would it be possible to know what the
deadline for submitting po's is? I assume the packagers need some time
for preparing the tarballs but the procrastinator in me needs to know
the exact day and hour before which submitting a po would surely result
in including it in the next release.

1. http://i18n.xfce.org/stats/index.php?mode=4&lang=xfce_4_4/ro

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