[Xfce-i18n] [FR] a few new translations for some plugins and two updates

Maximilian Schleiss maxschleiss at bluewin.ch
Sun Jul 30 15:49:29 CEST 2006

Jean-François Wauthy wrote:
> As a side note, i saw that you forgot some accelerator definition in the
> previous translations you sent. Sometimes you let the '_' in the string,
> sometimes you don't.

This is very bad!!! I will take some more time to verify my translations 
next time, my apologies. Sometimes I am just not sure what letter I will 
use for the accelerator, most of the time I try, if possible, to stick 
with same letter as the english version. Which in turn is not possible 
for trivial actions like for example "save" that translates to 
"enregistrer" that is common to all systems in french.

Thank you,

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