Panel plugin autodetecting

Scott Barron scott at
Wed Apr 21 06:24:24 CEST 2004


I did some messing around tonight and added the capability for the panel
to find newly installed plugins without having to be restarted.  It's a
pretty trivial patch, but I've just started looking through xfce so the
developers should look it over and make sure I'm not missing something.
The patch also handles the plugin being uninstalled, it will not show it
in the "Add new item" dialog.  I had to add the path to the ControlInfo
struct because I wasn't sure if I was otherwise able to get the path
using ControlInfo.  At any rate, any thoughts or comments on the patch
are appreciated.

While doing this I noticed that if there is a configuration for a plugin
set up for xfce but the plugin is not installed the panel will segfault
on start up.  I don't have time to look into it tonight, but the
relevant backtrace is:

groups_show_popup (index=10, show=1) at groups.c:562
562         group = li->data;

Note: both of these are done against CVS head.  The patch can be found

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