gnome-panel and xfwm

Felipe S. Boffo fboffo at
Tue Apr 20 21:01:44 CEST 2004

Hi there,

last night i runned gnome-panel with xfwm (i was looking out how gnome-panel goes, because passed a long since the last time i executed gnome-panel).
And, a gnome-panel feature called "Show Desktop Button" (:-)) don't
seems to work. The odd error message says "Your window manager don't
support this button, or you are not running a window manager."

It really must exist a window manager level support for 
minimizind all windows? Or the gnome-panel people went high? :-)
Those X complience patterns don't cover that?

By the way, nice feature... xfce has one panel goodie that do that, right?
If it exists, why it is not "officially" included in the xfce-pannel

Hmmm, gnome really don't have drang'n'drop support for application icons
on the panels? I try do drag image files from a nautilus window to
a "gimp!" icon, and nothing happened. :-(

And... i have recent discovered the "Desktop button" on xfce-pannel.
Is this a new feature, or i did not noticed till now? Where does he gets
those info (apps installed)?


Felipe S. Boffo                      ('>    UIN: 18280444
<fboffo at>                //\      v_/_  

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