Various Xftree problems

Edscott Wilson García edscott at
Thu Mar 21 04:26:59 CET 2002

On Mié 20 Mar 2002 11:39, Joakim Andreasson wrote:
> Hi Edscott and others,
> With my recently outchecked cvs version of Xftree, there are a few
> problems.
> 1) When I try to copy or move a file ore a bunch of files by dragging
> it/them between two Xftree windows, it opens an xterm and runs the command
> "ssh/scp" on the files. Even if it would work, this seems unnessesary, but
> no files are either copied or moved. (I guess because I don't run sshd.)

This must be a bug. The behaviour you describe should only happen when the 
xftree windows are running on different hosts (and on the same display, of 
course). When xftree windows are on the same host, the behaviour should be as 
usual. Before the scp/rsync addition, what would happen with DnD between 
xftree on different hosts was that it would look for the remote files on the 
wrong host and end up with a "file not found". Pleas do a "xprop" on both 
xftree windows where you have the problem and send the results to the list so 
we can check where the bug is coming from. 

> 2) If I try to delete a file with a long name with lots of spaces and other
> uncommon letters in the name, Xftree crashes. This has been the case fore
> some time now.

Give us an example filename and it will be fixed. I've done a lot of fixing of 
similar problems in the code (where original code uses a "max-length" for 
filenames instead of just assigning what is necesary) but I have missed 
several. The example you provide will give me something to test with.

> 3) Before 1) occured Xftree always crashed when I tried to copy a directory
> from a tarfile (Now problem 1) applies to this, too). I you're not not
> supposed to be able to do that, maybe the ability to try should be removed
> as well.

It was never considered. If it is not difficult it would be a good option, 
otherwise a dialog explaining that it cannot be done is better than a crash.

> 4) Not really a problem, I'm just curious. What's with the
> "//loclhost/localdomain" in the Xftree title bar? Can I open an Xftree on
> other hosts as well or is this planned (ftp would be cool)? Right now it
> seems it only makes the titlebar less readable, and my hostname isn't
> localhost.localdomain anyway.

Aha. Seems this is where the bug (#1) is at. Your box is not configured 
properly with a hostname and domainname and is using the default values of 
"localhost" and "localdomain". I had not tested this configuration. And yes, 
you can now open xftree on different hosts, by means of network conection. 
Once you have two xftrees on different hosts, you can drag and drop between 
them and it will copy by scp or rsync --rsh=ssh. If you dont want to provide 
a password for every DnD element, you can configure ssh for host-based 
authentication and everything works real nicely, not available on any other 
filemanager AFAIK. How do you open xftree on different hosts? (say your PC 
and your laptop conected by a 10Mb Ethernet link, host names are laptop and 
PC, but could be ip addresses):

[laptop]$xhost +PC 

[PC]$export DISPLAY=laptop:0.0

This will open a xftree from PC on the laptop display. It's real old stuff in 
X, pretty neat, and something wind*ws OS is lightyears away from achieving.
It allows you to run several boxes from a single screen.

> If this is all or mostly because of work in progress, I apologize. Just
> trying to help! :-)

Actually I though it was finished, but now I realize I did not consider the 
case of boxes without a good network configuration. Please send in the 
results of xprop so I can fix xftree for the special case you present. I will 
be leaving tomorrow but will take a laptop with me but will not have internet 
until tuesday or wednesday next week when I can upload modified routines.



BTW, you can eliminate the hostnames from the titlebar by choosing the 
"shorttitles" in preferences. Hostnames appear now for greater compatibility 
with rox-filer.

> Best Regards,
> Joakim
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