[Xfce-apps] proposition of framework

masse nicolas masse_nicolas at yahoo.fr
Wed Mar 23 18:56:20 CET 2005

Hi all,

something also imporant is the way repositories will
be managed. Do we have to use a ftp server, will there
be a cvs server available (is it faisaible?), how must
develloppers upload there files?
You said about themes that you would like them to pass
a test, will it be also the case for apps and plugins?
(BTW: I think they must be in separate section). Will
them all or some of them also have to pass some kind
of test? (Note: it can be a good think sine it ensure
some quality)

Finally, one last thing: I would like in such a site
to have some news of what is under work. For example
you can post something every time a
program/plugin/theme is updated or when a new one is
uploaded. This have 2 avantages I think:
- Everybody can easily be aware of the current state
of each work, and see when there is something new. 
- It makes people feel that something is on the way
and that work is in progress. (If we have a look at
the XFCE-Goodies page, we can see that it's always the
same page we have. It makes an impression of something
figed, who don't move anymore.)

Well, all that are just my thought. I hope it can help
in a way or another.. 

Masse Nicolas.


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