[Xfc-dev] XFCE Foundation Classes alive ??

Kent Asplund hoglet at solit.se
Fri Oct 22 11:45:23 CEST 2010

On Thu, 21 Oct 2010 21:12:56 +0200
Krister Alm <krister.alm at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have spent some time trying to learn XFC and I really like it so far.
> Now I have upgraded to XUbuntu 10.10 and can't find any of the
> libraries in the Synaptic any more.
> Is this a dead project ??
I have been waiting on this mailinglist for activites for months, I had
actually forgotten that I was on it. I would suspect that nothing

> I was planing on creating a KDevelop alike program but using XFC
> instead of relying on KDE and Qt since I really would like to have
> that slim system.
Yes, reinventing the wheel is fun but maybe you should check if you can
help with Anjuta instead? Anjuta is a nice IDE that is rather
lightweight. I have not used it for a while since I prefer Eclipse,
which is NOT lightweight but is nice to work with, but then it was
very capable and fast starting (parts of a second on my machine). 

Still that does not help with writing C++ for xfce as anjuta only
supports gtkmm (which does not feel lightweight as it has many
dependencies that always are included) but it should work as well as
KDevelop. I have also been interested in an alternative as I feel that
there should be something better than gtkmm. I have been tempted to
start writing my own general wrapper around plain gtk to cover my needs
but it does feel like overkill and suboptimizing.

> Are there any progress at all or is it ok if I look into it to see if I can
> contribute to it?
> Any information would be helpful.
> I don't have so much free time but would like to use it to help out
> as much as I can. I'm a C++ freak and don't really like the C syntax.

I hate to break it to you but writing a wrapper on gtk is a lot about
writing C.

> However I did some tests and created cmake scripts to aid in the
> program building since I right now feel I'm stuck with KDevelop and
> that program uses CMake.
As I said before. You can try Anjuta or Eclipse or a combination.
Anjuta is great for setting up an autotools project but the project
management is not so flexible (or maybe I just have not understodd it
100%). Eclipse+CDT+linuxtool/autotools is a great environment if you
have the grunt in your development machine. You need more knowledge
about autotools if using Eclipse but if you combine with Anjuta you
will manage. 

>  From the site I can see the source package xfc-4.3.2.tar.gz, is this
> the last available or is there anything newer ?
> I tried the debian .deb packages but failed to install libxfcui since it
> seems to have dependencies upon itself and thus cant be installed.
> Looking forward to hear anything from anyone of you.

Me too...

It said uses Windows 98 or better so I installed GNU/Linux
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