[Thunar-dev] Thunar update

Kurt J. Bosch kjb-temp-2006 at gmx.de
Sun Jun 21 13:35:04 CEST 2009

On 2009-06-21 03:23, Jannis Pohlmann wrote:

>> So far I noticed some (more or less) minor problems:
>> - When viewing smb://boxname I can not drag one of the shares to the
>> tree side pane. It says 'does not refer to a directory'
> Yes, that's actually a design decision. Only directories may be
> bookmarked.
Hmm, I tried this again. It *does* work with smb and with ftp too. The 
only case not working seems to be when using smb://myhost where 'myhost' 
stands for the local box.
> The problem with remote directories is that you don't know
> whether they are directories or not before they are mounted/connected.
> So if we allowed remote directories we'd also allow remote files. And
> you clearly don't want remote locations to be mounted unless you
> actually *browse* them (just imagine you have ten different SFTP or
> FTP bookmarks and whenever you start Thunar, you end up with up to ten
> established network connections).
I would want to be able to add dirs and shares when I can see them that 
is when the remote location is already mounted (almost working) and when 
clicking a bookmark simply get the location mounted (does not work by 
now). If the bookmark does not point to a dir or the host/share is not 
available then some error or warning should occur. I tried similar thing 
with a local dir within a normal fstab mount. Create a dir, bookmark it, 
close thunar, umount, open thunar. Result: When cliccking the bookmark 
it appears like an empty dir with no error/warning. The error comes late 
as soon as I do 'Open Terminal here' or something.
>> - When viewing smb://boxname/someshare I can not navigate up. The
>> button is grayed out.
> Yep. That's because GVfs pretends that all of these directories are
> roots. I should be able to work around that (if an URI points to
> "smb://foo/bar" we can almost always assume that "smb://foo" is the
> parent).
Would be cool. Even cooler: When in smb://somewhere we could go up to 
smb:// and from there up to network:// :)
>> - The Tango folder icons are not used for the local filesystem but
>> for ftp and smb they are.
> That's strange. I use whatever I get from GIO, so that might be a bug
> in there. Can you call "gvfs-info<URI>" on an ftp directory and
> on a local one and post the output of those two commands?
========= output of 'gvfs-info /home/kurt/tmp' ============
display name: tmp
edit name: tmp
name: tmp
type: directory
size: 8192
   standard::name: tmp
   standard::type: 2
   standard::size: 8192
   standard::allocated-size: 12288
   standard::display-name: tmp
   standard::edit-name: tmp
   standard::copy-name: tmp
   standard::content-type: inode/directory
   standard::icon: inode-directory, gnome-mime-inode-directory, 
inode-x-generic, folder
   standard::fast-content-type: inode/directory
   unix::device: 2055
   unix::inode: 32832
   unix::nlink: 15
   unix::uid: 0
   unix::gid: 0
   unix::rdev: 0
   unix::mode: 17407
   unix::block-size: 4096
   unix::blocks: 24
   time::modified: 1245510866
   time::modified-usec: 917075
   time::access: 1245495728
   time::access-usec: 91418
   time::changed: 1245510866
   time::changed-usec: 917075
   etag::value: 1245510866:917075
   id::file: l2055:32832
   id::filesystem: l2055
   owner::user: root
   owner::user-real: root
   owner::group: root
   access::can-read: TRUE
   access::can-write: TRUE
   access::can-execute: TRUE
   access::can-rename: TRUE
   access::can-delete: TRUE
   access::can-trash: TRUE
========= end =============================================
========= output of 'gvfs-info 
smb://fritz.box/wdcwd10-eacs-22d6b1-02'/Videooutput' =========
display name: Video
edit name: Video
name: Video
type: directory
size: 0
   standard::type: 2
   standard::name: Video
   standard::display-name: Video
   standard::edit-name: Video
   standard::size: 0
   standard::content-type: inode/directory
   standard::icon: folder
   time::modified: 1242229993
   time::modified-usec: 0
   time::access: 1242229993
   time::access-usec: 0
   time::changed: 1242229993
   time::changed-usec: 0
   unix::device: 713920
   unix::inode: 1060666
   etag::value: 1242229993
========= end =============================================
Additional note: Doing drag&drop from smb into Terminal I get smb://... 
Shouldn't that be converted to $HOME/.gvfs/... ?
>> - Umlauts within file names on FTP (fritz.box) are wrong or invalid
>> because ISO-8859-1 is used there but GVFS seems to use UTF-8.
>> (Verified this with Firefox and curl/iconv and via cifs. - Firefox ->
>> Page Info reports charset windows-1252.)
> I'll try to reproduce that with my FTP server.
>> - When doing Create Document ->  Empty File on FTP a refresh is needed
>> to show the file created.
> That's probably a bug in GVfs or maybe even a general FTP limitation,
> but I'm not sure. Open directories are monitored for changes, so maybe
> FTP directories don't support monitoring. I'll debug that.
What I have here currently is:
gamin 0.1.10
gvfs 1.2.3
Gamin is probably not used in this case.
> Thanks for the feedback!
I'm always happy when I can help things moving into the right direction. :)

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