[Thunar-dev] My two cents

Benedikt Meurer benny at xfce.org
Wed Jun 22 10:42:58 CEST 2005

Peter wrote:
> Why the sidebar?  What's wrong with a virtual folder that's just like
> it?  Maybe have it as the first path button?  This is probably a
> separate project, but what about a panel applet that you drag a folder
> onto to open in a new window?  This would add part of the spatial
> benefit: (drag + drop) * more + (cut + paste) * less = good  :) .

I thought about a computer:/// vfolder earlier already, which would be 
the root of all other roots (e.g. when you hit up in 'trash:///' or 
'file:///' you'd end up in 'computer:///'). The idea is to make the 
whole thing (and esp. the tree side pane) more logical, since you'd only 
have one root node, not several root nodes and would be able to navigate 
everywhere by just using the 'Up' button and the folder navigation of 
the view.

Concerning the panel thingy: Why a separate plugin? The launcher plugin 
can do this already.


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