Xfce 4.18 dependencies versions

adlo adloconwy at gmail.com
Wed Jan 12 18:04:31 CET 2022

> On 12 Jan 2022, at 08:24, Olivier Fourdan <fourdan at gmail.com> wrote:
> By the time the code is ready, tested, and eventually used with Xfce,
> chances are that the version of the libraries shipped with the so
> called LTS distributions will be long deprecated upstream anyway.

Not only that. By the time the code is ready, the next LTS version will probably have been released, so then the older libraries will probably be deprecated in the LTS distros anyway.

Even if you wanted to target Ubuntu LTS releases, the fact is, it’s probably too late for your package to land in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS now, so you might as well target Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, which means you might as well use the latest libraries.



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