how to put my clipmap PoC in a testable docker?

Sylvain Viart sylvain at
Fri Aug 27 16:07:56 CEST 2021

Hi Andre,

On 27/08/2021 00:42, andre at wrote:
> Hi,
> To me it sounds a bit overkill to prepare a container only for testing 
> a panel plugin, but if you really want this I think extending 
> xfce-test[1] is the way to go.
> IMO it's easier to just build and install the plugin. It's even 
> possible to test the plugin without installing it[2].
> 1 - 
> <>
> 2 - 
> <>
> Cheers,
> Andre Miranda

xfce-test is huge, but very cool, thanks!

I read testing_and_releasing_the_plugin I will try that too, good 
pointer, thanks too.


Sylvain Viart - GNU/Linux Sysadmin/Developer/DevOps - France

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