Orage Calendar application

André Miranda andre42m at gmail.com
Mon Jan 13 15:01:07 CET 2020

Hi Henri,
This application has been archived as of Xfce 4.14, so unless someone steps
up as maintainer I'm afraid no further development will be done.

Andre Miranda

On Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 8:27 AM Henri Raben <HenriRaben at chello.nl> wrote:

> Dear Xfce,
> As an Linux Mint Xfce user, I installed the Calendar application Orage.
> On my android phone I use the free version of Simple Agenda, from Simple
> Mobile Tools. I want to keep the Agendas on my phone and Desktop
> synchronized, so I regularly copy the phone verion to the Desktop. The
> Simple Agenda contains a bug when it comes to writing .ics file
> (exporting). When an item (appointment) for several consecutive days
> (say 2 or 30) is made by using the repeat function and thereupon the
> title for the items on every single day is changed, thus making it
> individual items, the connection between the event is lost and only the
> individual items remain. But after done, exporting to an .ics file
> writes both the individual event as well as the connected items to the
> .ics file. So when importing these files in Orage, it shows two items on
> a day and not 1. From here comes the Orage part as I used this program
> to eliminate the connected items from the file and subsequently import
> that back again in the phone app. It looks like the deletion of the
> items is not done correctly. It is not done by index but rather by
> having the same title. For the bug to appear, on Simple Agenda I had
> about a dozen multiple day event made for the starting day, in this case
> January, 8th, and I had one regular event. One of the multiple days
> events which was no longer visible because I had changed the title of
> all days, had the same first 4 characters as the regular event. When I
> tried to delete all multiple day events, the regular event was deleted
> before all multiple day events were deleted. So in my opinion there is a
> deletion problem. Further I like to notice that adding an item to an
> foreign file is not possible, so I could not use Orage to correct it,
> and also to be noticed that Orage has no CalDAV synchronization.
> Hope you can improve the experience with this app.
> Regards, Henri Raben, The Netherlands
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