Switching archive.xfce.org to mirrorbits redirector

Romain Bouvier skunnyk at alteroot.org
Mon Nov 11 21:18:10 CET 2019


I migrated archive.xfce.org from mirrorbrain to mirrorbits (please wait for the dns propagation). 
They are geographical download redirector, which redirect to the closest mirror based on your IP.
We were using mirrorbrain since ages, but the project is not maintained anymore.
So I switched to mirrorbits (used by vlc, kodi, lineageOS: https://github.com/etix/mirrorbits),
which is more recent, maintained, use geoip2 and doesn't need a postgresql backend.
I readded the same mirrors, and this should not change anything for the users. 
You can add "?mirrorlist" to a file to see which mirror will be used for you download

I also switched the service to one of the instance hosted by Gandi, and forced http -> https
connections :)

Enjoy !


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