Panel plugin development

Matthew Brush mbrush at
Fri Apr 5 05:18:37 CEST 2019

On 2019-04-04 8:19 a.m., Alexis BRENON @Xfce wrote:
> So it's my current configuration.
> I will try rough printf to stderr to continue my dev, but still interested
> to know why this macro doesn't work...

If you don't use `--enable-debug=full` then the `DEBUG` macro won't be 
defined, which means the `DBG` function-like macro will do nothing[0]. 
The `--enable-debug=full` option also enables `-Werror`, which causes 
compilation to fail because of issues in some of the code.

You could probably configure with something like:

./configure --enable-debug=full --extra-cflags=-Wno-error

To get the `DBG` macro defined and also override the `-Werror` option 
which is causing compilation to fail on warnings.

Matthew Brush


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