new "recommended applications" wiki page
Mohammad Ghasemi
ghasemicompany at
Tue Jul 21 15:42:05 CEST 2015
I want to move the list to This website has already done
the job for us.
This makes it super easy to contribute to xfce software list and keeps it
more updated. In addition the users can see more descriptive information
about each software in better polished manner. We also would benefit from
not only remarks from xfce user's but all other users.
contributers would only need to add xfce as a "custom platfrom" to the
software they want to add to the list. And this process takes less than 10
seconds. The process is much easier than editing the wiki page.
But there is a downside to it too. The list would be stored on a website
other than xfce's. Which means... well you know better.
On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 7:23 PM, Mohammad Ghasemi <ghasemicompany at>
> The page does not help users choose
> applications, very much.
> The description of most applications merely says "this app is
> lightweight". Which is a redundant sentence, because the are meant to be
> lightweight!
> The format of the page also makes it hard for the user to compare and
> choose applications.
> I think the Use case for "recommended applications" wiki page should be
> something like this:
> To help the users to find the lightest application in each category that
> meets their needs.
> To satisfy this use case we need one table for each category that has the
> following fields: Name, Ram usage, Features, Website, Remarks
> The table should be sortable by field name. It should be sorted by Ram
> usage by default.
> Usage Scenario: the user visits the page. He/she wants to find the
> lightest software in category x that has the features he wants. The User
> chooses the category. He then sees a table sorted by ram usage that
> contains a list of software in that category. He then reads the features
> field of every software (starting from the top, lightests first) until he
> finds the software that has all the features he wants. Then he read the
> remarks (if existed). After that, he looks on Name field to check if the
> software exists on his distro's repo or not. If it does not exist, then he
> would look at website field to visit the website of the software.
> That's it.
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