Parole: Call for Testing & Translations

Sean Davis smd.seandavis at
Tue Feb 26 13:33:16 CET 2013

Good day everyone,

Parole 0.5 is just around the corner, so we're asking translators and 
testers to have another look at it.  We've added quite a bit of stuff in 
a short amount of time, so there's lots to test (and translate)!

Here's the code:
And the Bugzilla:

and Changelog:
* Fixed potential file name clash in parole extension (bug #9728)
* Fixed libnotify error on make (bug #9744)
* Fixed moving show/hide playlist button (bug #9755)
* Fixed mute button toggling (bug #9760)
* Fixed playlist manipulation while playlist hidden (bug #9762)
* Fixed webm file support (bug #9798)
* Fixed aspect ratio calculation (bug $9872)
* Fixed untransateable strings (#9868)
* Fixed auto-saved playlist saving as UTF-8
* Fixed playlist menu from opening off-screen
* Added improved locale name support in audio tracks and subtitles
* Added gstreamer 1.0 support with --with-gstreamer=0.10|1.0
* Added additional tooltips
* Added theming to fullscreen widgets
* Improved audio cover image loading
* Improved support for window manager fullscreen command
* Made codec installer transient for player window
* Moved history and playlist to .config/xfce4/parole

Thanks for your help!

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