First gtk3 results

Nick Schermer nick at
Sat May 5 11:53:49 CEST 2012

So, Stephan and I ported libxfce4ui and xfce4-appfinder and these are 
the first memory results.

  Private  +   Shared  =  RAM used       Program
   5.6 MiB + 781.5 KiB =   6.3 MiB       xfrun4 (gtk3)
   2.8 MiB +   1.2 MiB =   4.0 MiB       xfrun4 (gtk2)

  Private  +   Shared  =  RAM used       Program
   6.0 MiB + 943.0 KiB =   6.9 MiB       xfce4-appfinder (gtk3)
   3.1 MiB +   1.4 MiB =   4.5 MiB       xfce4-appfinder (gtk2)

This is on the same system with the beautiful Raleigh theme. The 
private size doubled, which is quite bad. Don't think this will get much 
worse with applications like Thunar, because memory wise xfce4-appfinder 
is hungry with all the icons, but my best guess is that we will see this 
with all other applications.


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