reduce icons in icon chooser dialog

Nick Schermer nickschermer at
Sun Mar 27 16:38:14 CEST 2011


On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 8:27 PM, Nick Schermer <nickschermer at> wrote:
> Folks,
> I've just pushed a branch to exo that excludes the 'symlink' icons in
> a theme from the icon view. On the common themes (Gnome,Tango) this
> reduces the number of icons with ~50% (ie. 50% of the icons are
> symlinks to real files) and you only see each image once. The symlink
> names are stored internally, so when you open the chooser for a
> desktop files with "xfce4-settings" as icon name,
> "preferences-desktop" is selected.
> Downside of this is that "preferences-desktop" is returned when you
> click ok and xfce4-settings is lost (I could fix that behaviour, but
> you get the point; spec names are set in those cases).
> Upside, less icons to scroll, and probably (no proof here) much
> faster; because even though the code pokes the files to check if they
> are symlinks, nothing is worse for performance then rendering images.
> If you want to try it, compile the nick/icon-model-without-dups
> branch. It will also print you a line what was merged.
> So, any opinions if this is a good idea?
> Nick

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