thunar-volman and gudev

Oliver Lehmann lehmann at
Wed Jan 12 10:19:16 CET 2011


I'm preparing xfce 4.8 ports for FreeBSD and I'm also bringing the  
other not directly bundled apps to their latest version to get as much  
4.8 supporting apps as possible.

I also tried this with thunar-volman and found out, that 0.5.3 (in my  
case) now wants gudev to be installed on the System.
There is no gudev implementation for FreeBSD - so - does that mean,  
thunar-volman will no longer work on FreeBSD or is there a way to  
disable the gudev requirement? I found no switch in configure for  
disabling it so I guess the answer will be "No, thunar-volman will  
only run on Linux and this is intended"?!

    Greetings, Oliver

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