Share xfce4-session and xfce4-power-manager code

Ali Abdallah aliov at
Wed Feb 16 14:55:25 CET 2011

On 02/16/2011 09:10 AM, Nick Schermer wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 8:11 AM, Ali Abdallah<aliov at>  wrote:
>> On 02/15/2011 04:04 PM, Nick Schermer wrote:
>>> So IMHO
>>> the best solution would be:
>>> xfce4-session:
>>> - Use org.xfce.Power.Manager
>>> - Fallback to sudo if service failed (no permission) or is not
>>> available (openbsd and people who haven't installed Xfpm).
>> Fallback to sudo just for reboot/shutdown, no sudo suspend/hibernate methods
>> are supported, do we plan to support these options via sudo ?
> No no suspend/hibernate; but the goal it that it will continue to work
> with openbsd and other systems that have no support for Xfpm (and can
> thus ship without it).
>>> Xfpm:
>>> - Xfpm needs to extend org.xfce.Power.Manager with some of the methods
>>> from org.freedesktop.PowerManagement (with error replies, so we can
>>> give good feedback if also sudo failed, somthing that is lacking atm).
>>> - It should be a dbus-service as well, this way it never fails (from
>>> xfce4-session's point of view).
>> Sounds good, but people will have to install xfpm always with Xfce right ?
>> In this case, is this to add for the 4.10 release cycle ?
> If they want support for power actions with upower/pol/console-kit;
> then yes. And indeed, Xfpm will be part of the 4.10 cycle.
>>> In case we rely more on Xfpm it should also be improved in a couple of
>>> other areas I think:
>>>    - Possibly also quit if it has nothing to do.
>> Okay, by the way, do we have a unique like functionality somewhere in xfce
>> or glib/gtk ? i have something like that in xfpm, which acts more or less
>> like libunique.
> No, we don't.; GtkApplication appeared in gtk3 IIRC.
>>>    - Consider using more library api (libupower, polkit); probably
>>> easier to maintain in the future, not to mention easier to understand.
>> Okay, but this more or less means that we have to add new depenencies to
>> Xfce right ? since the session will use the service provided by xfpm which
>> depends on those.
> Like I said, Xfpm has to move to core; which means git repo moves to
> /xfce/ and we ship it with the release tarball. You can still do your
> own releases of course.
Ok cool, i'll release the version that i'm currently preparing, after 
that i'll be working to have a separate dbus session service (part of 
xfpm) that can be used by xfpm and xfce4-session.

For upower and polkit, is these are going to be Xfce dependencies ? for 
the moment i'm not using them in xfpm, but maybe as you said we should 
think about using them instead of supporting lot of dbus-glib code...

> Nick
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