Final periode of the planning phase for 4.10

Jerzy Zagórski xendoo at
Tue Feb 8 18:59:56 CET 2011


> Jannis and I just completed the 4.10 roadmap and there are 6 days left
> in the planning phase. So if you haven't thought about what you'd like
> to implement in this cycle and what dependencies you need for this,
> I'd recommend to do that now.

Someone mentioned earlier on this list that you should consider
participating in this year google summer of code. Some of the
enhancements from modules section of your roadmap look like a great
ideas for students projects. Of course code quality and overall
snappiness is crucial in most of them, but with good code review it's
not impossible :-)

Also xfce goodies can be good place to find some ideas for students to
work on. I've heard you were planning to move goodies from to your new wbesite, it's a great moment to
find no longer maintained projects that may still be considered
usefull (I can help with that) and give students chance to bring them
alive again with xfce 4.10. Creating new plugins to make xfce more
social networkish can also attract some attention.

Best wishes,
Jerzy Zagórski

> We obviously only highlighted the major changes, there are also
> smaller new features in bugzilla that will slip in (or not), but not
> worth listing.
> For people who want to start contributing to Xfce, this is the right
> time to raise your (virtual) voice; we can still include your ideas in
> the roadmap and guide you with the whole process.
> Cheers,
> Nick
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