Xfce Foundation status

Jannis Pohlmann jannis at xfce.org
Thu Oct 14 21:43:30 CEST 2010

On Thu, 14 Oct 2010 17:13:15 +0200
Hungerburg <pch13 at myzel.net> wrote:

> Hello, I am by chance on the list, and been lurking some time. May I 
> share my thoughts, then read on. My merits? Recently I crafted
> similar statutes in Austria. Its very close to Germany.
> ortho:
> 0.3 s/Bilder/Bildern/
> 2.2.d s/unterstützende Bilder/unterstützender Bilder/

Thanks. Fixed those typos.

> You might include some means of teleconferencing of the assembly, 
> not-secret votes via signed e-mail eg. otherwise people from farther 
> away may end up having no say.

The general assembly (exept for the kick-off one) will be held online
(on IRC or Jabber). The articles of association don't have to define

> Just out of curiosity: do you plan to employ people? CEO 
> (Geschäftsführer), etc. May be useful/necessary, but makes everything 
> much more complicated: will you rent an office?

No, since Xfce is a rather small project (at least regarding the
number of people involved) there will be no need (neither will there be
enough money) to employ people to take care of the e.V., our
infrastructure or anything else.

> Personally, I do not consider the word "foundation" a good choice. a 
> foundation (Stiftung) is something very different from a Verein
> (club, society, association). But maybe thats just my bad command of
> the englisch language: what is the FSF charity actually (can someone
> explain in German)?

I tried to explain why I think having "Foundation" in the name is a
good idea and why the legal difference between a Stiftung and a Verein
may not matter so much. Charlie as someone from the US explained his
view on the terms "foundation" and "association" in his reply on the
Xfce users mailinglist.

I still think it's the best choice but I realize there are differing
opinions on this in the community.

  - Jannis
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