FYI: 4.7 panel and plugins

Jannis Pohlmann jannis at
Thu May 28 01:09:26 CEST 2009

On Wed, 27 May 2009 11:02:47 -0700
"Brian J. Tarricone" <bjt23 at> wrote:

> Jannis Pohlmann wrote:
> > But Nick is not questioning the design of xfdesktop either, so IMHO
>  > there should be a certain amount of trust in that Nick does his
>  > best in creating a good panel that everyone will love to use.
> C'mon, Jannis, that's crap.  If Nick (or anyone else) thinks I (or 
> anyone else) has made poor design decisions that affect the user 
> experience of our desktop, I *expect* you guys to bring them up
> on-list or on IRC.

Yes, definitely. I just got the feeling you were giving Nick more of a
hard time than was justified. Anyway, I didn't mean to shut the
disucssion down entirely, really. I think part of the problem is that
it's not really obvious how the internal/external plugin abstraction
works (I might be wrong but I think I'm right on what I explained in my
last mail). 

As I wrote in my last mail, I think the new panel is going to be a
great improvement but I think we should make all plugins run
externally. The abstraction doesn't seem to be much of an issue
(design-wise) because the wrapper in which external plugins are ran in
basically acts like a panel to them. 

> It has nothing to do with "trust" -- I certainly "trust" that
> everyone wants to do their best with whatever module they're
> maintaining.  But that doesn't mean they've come up with the best
> possible implementation... or even a good one.  Perhaps I've been
> overly harsh with how I've presented my questions and criticism, and
> for that I do apologise, but suggesting that we aren't "allowed" to
> offer our opinions and suggestions on how other parts of the desktop
> works is just plain stupid.
> Anyway, you win: I don't really care to participate in this
> discussion anymore.

My intention was everything but that. Please *do* participate. 

  - Jannis
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