xfce-xfwm documentation

Xermán Soto xsoto_pe at yahoo.es
Fri Mar 13 11:12:08 CET 2009

Hello there, 

I've been searching through the XFCE.ORG site in the documentation
section but can not reach any documentation as Xfce 4.2 Documentation
page links are not working. Can not get any doc from that place.

Please, let me know where i can find that info. Would appreciate that a



Xermán Soto Fernández (丛林雪)
Ingeniero de Telecomunicación
Gestor de Calidad y Medioambiente
Técnico Superior en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales

xsoto_pe at yahoo.es
+34 629 430 103
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