future of xfce session management

Nick Schermer nickschermer at gmail.com
Tue Jul 21 12:29:26 CEST 2009

2009/7/21 Brian J. Tarricone <brian at tarricone.org>:
> Apps > 50 are Any Old Random Apps, and we have no idea if they're going to
> play nice or not, or if they're going to delay startup because they forgot
> to register with the session manager, or if they even support session
> management at all (autostart apps will fall into this category).  At that
> point a splash screen might just say "Starting Other Applications", wait
> 750ms, and go away.  Or at least just wait until the last app has been
> spawned, regardless of whether or not it notifies us or not (and it could
> still write out the app names to the splash screen if it so chooses).  I
> think the splash screen is really only important for showing that the
> *desktop* is starting; once the WM, desktop, and panel are up, we assume the
> user can -- and wants to -- get some Real Work[tm] done, so the at that
> point splash screen will just get in the way.

Just saying, we should at least write down how the splash screen
behaves, because you did not mention it in the text and for some of us
it's an important piece of the session manager.


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